I am honored to be in your presence, warrior of time.
For your resilient fortitude and your undying valiance you have been summoned. Summoned for a purpose…summoned to fulfill an unwritten destiny. You are a stranger to this realm, but you are not alone. Like so many others, you have been torn from your home realm in a desperate attempt to end the horrors of war in this land. Your legend proceeds you, warrior. I only pray that the stories they sing of your glory are not in vain. As we speak, scores of races rip each other apart in the name of righteousness on our soil. Our once immaculate utopia is now a battlefield of generations of pain, vengeance, and death. Our realm is upon the brink of destruction. Only you have the power to resurrect our hope or obliterate our faith.
The choice is yours.
I humbly welcome you to the glorious Valhalla.